Monday, September 29, 2014

Spelling Mistakes I hate

Okay, I admit it. I may not be a grammar nazi, but certain horse terms just drive me nuts. I see them misspelled or misused so often I want to bang my head against a wall when I see it. I know I can't be the only one.

Here are some:
Sell when they mean Sale.
Example: "I have this horse for sell"

Gilding, geldin gildin instead of gelding.
"Got a 3 year old gilding."

Now this is a gilded horse.

Gate instead of gait.
"Gated mare for sell."

Gated horse.

Rare instead of rear.
"Good horse, never rared up."

Reigning instead of reining.
"Neck reigns real good."

Obey me and my mighty neck! Peasants!

Belgium instead of Belgian.
"Got a big Belgium mare. Anyone can ride."

Welch instead of Welsh.
"Still got that welch pony?"

No, but I have another brand, will that work?

Therabred instead of thoroughbred. Or any other spelling of the word.
"Therabred, never raced."

Gentil or gental instead of gentle.
"Real gental horse." (I'm waiting for someone to say genital horse one day)

Road instead of rode.
"Been road before."

Bread instead of bred.
"Two eyed jack bread."

Philly instead of filly.
"Anyone have a nice philly?"

Pin instead of pen.
"Got some round pin panels."

I don't think this will hold my horse very well...

Bae instead of bay.
"Nice bae mare for sell."

Sorrow instead of sorrel.
"Sorrow geldin' for sale."

Nobody understands me.

Cogins or coggings instead of coggins.
"UDS cogins"

Pasa fina instead of paso fino.
"Good gated pasa fina."

Hey instead of hay.
"Good grass hey for sale."

(This next one isn't exactly a spelling mistake but it bugs me all the same.)

15.5 or hands instead of 15.2 or 16.1.
"Stands 15.6 hands tall."

Appolisa or Appoloose instead of appaloosa.
 "Nice spotted appolisa, broke."

Carmelo instead of cremello.
"Carmelo QH, registered."

(On a side note, caramello candy bars are delicious.)

Man, I just keep finding more of these!

Reader pet peeves:

Ridding instead of riding.
"Nice horse, done lots of ridding."

Furrier instead of farrier.
"Stands good for the furrier."

I know there are more, but I can't think of them right now, what about you? Anybody else have any terms that drive them nuts? Let me know and I'll add them to the list.


  1. How many times have I seen ridding instead of riding?

  2. furrier instead of farrier.. just say horse shoer if you can't spell it!
    My old boarder used to always say her horse floundered.. kept asking her what? fish on her feet? she meant founder. daaaa..

  3. Wow, if I was a horse I'd run like hell from the furrier!

  4. Love the pictures!

    I've also seen 'gealding' and 'guilding', which make me laugh.

    'Ridding' is by far my least favourite.

    Actually my sale ad pet peeves are less about poor spelling and more about how people present their horses. Current pet peeve is listing everything as 'flashy' regardless of what it actually looks like. Dull red chestnut quarter horse with no white? Flashy. Dark bay thoroughbred in desperate need of groceries? Flashy. Now it's possible that the flashy thing about them is the way they move, or their presence in the ring, but when your only photo is a three-quarter's view of the horse walking away from you in a muddy pen, I really don't see it. Maybe the flashy thing about him is how he leaps through the air when you try to get on him!

  5. Hahaha, so true. I also hate "chrome" translation- has a blaze. I just dont understand why people cant take 10 minutes and take a good picture or 5. I understand they wont all be like mine, but there's no excuse for a basic, groomed horse, tied to something without a bunch of junk everywhere. I hate the ones with crappy pictures that want like $3,000. Crazy.

  6. Confirmation instead of conformation makes me insane! And YES about Belgium instead of Belgian!

  7. Oh, "chrome" is another one; "flashy philly with lots of chrome and grate confirmation!" (see what I did there Dom? :D) meanwhile pictures show a wormy, possibly stunted little thing with mud to it's hocks and half it's mane rubbed off. I'd take her home and upgrade her except they want $3000 because her sire was a "grate reigning horse" and she has "potential."

    It's true not all pictures can be as awesome as yours TT, but at least put a clean halter on her and take out to the front lawn first!

  8. Confirmation/Conformation is the one that really sets my teeth on edge.

    When I hear 'chrome', I think blaze & high stockings; when I hear 'extra chrome or flashy", I think pinto.

    The BEST photo I've ever taken, edited & tricked out to perfection, couldn't begin to touch what you do with your camera. I already admired you for your work with horses and the sincerity of your love for them.... you're so talented.

    Let me throw this out there....
    Why don't you do a calendar for 2015? I'd pay like $15-20 plus taxes & shipping for one, gladly.

    You could expand on that idea and start your own line of yearly calendars (like the Anne Geddes Calendars you see everywhere) with varying themes such as:

    - specifically your rehab horses. Have a sidebar beside the photo telling that horse's story, the challenges you faced with him, or the cute habits he had, and maybe a vague (or specific) explanation of where he ended up or how his new owners love him. Etc, etc.
    -plants & flora
    There are endless possibilities. Also expansion lines for your photos such as:
    -stationery of all kinds
    -greeting card line
    Etc. etc, etc.

    ...Do you need a Business Manager? ;-)
