Wednesday, January 29, 2014

And it begins...

Well I finally have Blue listed for sale.  I've given up on making him a laid back but still very responsive horse. I've settled for laid back and safe.  It's what most people need anyway to be honest.

I've already had someone interested in him as a playday horse for their child and a possible barrel horse in the future...  .... .....  Now, I've stressed just how damn laid back and lazy this horse is.  He'd be a fine kids horse and a great buddy.... but anything more than casual trail or even western pleasure (he's slow enough....) is a bit unrealistic.

There's nothing wrong with this particular persons inquiry (I've had some doozies in the past!) but it raises a question for me: why, oh why, do I only get these emails about horses that I specifically say wouldn't be good for those events?! Why don't I get them about the horses that I say would be good for speed events?! The ones that are responsive and have speed and agility, not the ones that you make your legs tired trying to get them to go?

I lose a little faith in humanity whenever I sell a horse.  If I say I have a horse that is barely green and absolutely not safe for beginners I get calls wanting them for a kids horse! If I say I have a kids horse, I get late teens wanting a barrel horse.  *Facepalm* I write annoyingly long and detailed ads, and I write out an after purchase packet and tips page on all my horses so they go to the right home and get the right care. But I do this so people don't have to get excited about a horse that's not suitable for them.

I just wish it'd work...

Here are some pictures of my Blue Boy.

My half chaps finally came and I'm happy! 


  1. I'm looking for a horse to use for Ranch Versatility and cow work. I think he would look very pretty in my brand new silver show saddle while chasing those fast cows. I have read that blue eyed horses can see cows better than other horses so I know that we would do well. Does he do sliding stops? If not can you teach him that before I pick him up? Oh and spins too. I have to have a horse that can do spins. I will give you 500 dollars in 20 dollar monthly payments for the next..well how ever many years that is. Where can I send the first check? My transport service will be there next week. Please have him fully trained and ready to go for me.

    (Just kidding)

    Seriously though he is very pretty.

  2. My mother and I just cracked up reading that! That's great

  3. Serious note...
    Thank You for actually DOING what so many people out there only THINK they can/will do. :-)

  4. No matter where you are & no matter how carefully you write the advert you'll still get idiots.The last one I sold was advertised as a traffic proof horse that was not a jumper but would do a 2ft 6" course , gave his age etc & had someone want to come & see him who wanted him as a pony club team eventer aaaargh . Over here regardless of the size of their mount in eventing you're talking 4ft difficult fences so the good old soul I was selling wouldn't have done at all

  5. You really, really do. I showed him the other day and in the ad I stress that this is a temperament one horse who will be best suited for a rider who wants to walk and occasionally, maybe trot. So of course the barn owner that came out too kept asking for him to trot and if/how he cantered and if I'd do a lease/trial to make sure she could canter him. I just kind of stared at her. Now the girl really would have been under horsed on Blue, he was too laid back for her, but the ad made it pretty clear that he's kind of a dead head horse.
